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We Need YOU!

Recreation Soccer Depends on Parent-Volunteers 

ALSO is a volunteer-run organization that relies on parents to fill the roles of Head Coach, Assistant Coach and Team Manager. The existence and ultimate success of your child’s team will depend upon parent volunteers for the Head Coach, Assistant Coach and Team Manager positions. Please consider volunteering to fill one of these essential positions for your child’s team. If your child’s team cannot fill these essential parent-volunteer positions, ALSO will be forced to cancel your child’s team. 

ALSO Recreation Soccer Program Overview

The Avon Lake recreational soccer program is intended as an introductory level of soccer for our youngest players and those that may not be interested in a higher level of competition at the Travel  level:

  • Registration typically begins in July and ends in August. 
  • The soccer season starts in the Fall, consisting of 6 games in the Fall and 6 games in the Spring.
  • Games are played at Learwood fields on Saturday, however, makeups may be scheduled during the week.
  • 1 practice per week during evening hours, with day and time determined by coach and field availability.
  • Individual footskill training will be offered and is separate from practice.
  • Divisions are decided based on registration numbers and to maximize ability for all to play.
  • ALSO offers rec programs for players in the U4-U14 age groups; for the 2021-2022 season, that means birth years 2008-2017. 8th graders with 2007 birth years can also play with the ALSO rec program.